| Sereniteach | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Education Recruitment| Sereniteach | Your trusted partners |
Executive Search | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Sereniteach | Your trusted partners |

The right decision

The right decision

The right decision

Future Leadership
Education Recruitment| Sereniteach | Your trusted partners |
International Talent Acquisition
Executive Search | Sereniteach | Your Education Partners
Qualified, Experienced, Ready

Research, Shortlist, Delivered

Research, Shortlist, Delivered

Research, Shortlist, Delivered

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International Talent Aquistion

As the demand for high level education standards grow at a rapid pace, Sereniteach have the capacity to keep ahead of the curve, coupled with expertise gained from over two decades of experience.

We have long-standing relationships with many clients whose Institutes and schools  continue to grow, restructure and develop. 

Strategic placements we have successfully completed include Executive roles for government Education Ministries’ to pre interviewed, and  shortlisted teachers. 

Thanks to the work we have done in partnership with our clients, we have been part of successful examples of raising education standards, transformation and change management.

Get in touch today to discuss your  recruitment needs with one of our expert consultants.

“The power of leadership”

"School leadership was shown to be the greatest predictor, between a teacher choosing to stay or leave a school. Those leaders displaying transformational leadership traits appeared to be more successful at retaining staff. An issue that many teachers cited was that their leaders were more concerned about student numbers and increased revenue, rather than the students or staff wellbeing."
middle east teach mag
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