Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Our Clients

Schools| Universities |Ministries | Private

Schools| Universities |Ministries | Private

Schools| Universities |Ministries | Private

Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
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Schools | Universities | Ministries | Private Sector

Schools | Universities | Ministries | Private Sector

Schools | Universities | Ministries | Private Sector

Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers
Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers

Schools | Universities | Ministries| Private

Schools | Universities | Ministries| Private

Schools | Universities | Ministries| Private

Our Vision | Consortium Recruitment | Empowering Clients - Transforming Careers

Schools | Universities | Ministries | Private Sector

Schools | Universities | Ministries | Private Sector

Schools | Universities | Ministries | Private Sector

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Our Clients

|> Schools  Universities Ministries Private Institutes 

The Education Sector is facing unprecedented challenges – social, economic and environmental – driven by accelerating globalisation and a faster rate of technological developments. At the same time, those forces are providing us with a myriad of new opportunities for human advancement. The future is uncertain and we cannot predict it; but we need to be open and ready for it. Sereniteach are a leading Education recruitment company that offer staffing solutions to help you thrive during these uncertain yet exciting times.


At Sereniteach we believe in empowering your school with the best qualified and experienced staff.

We have a two-stage interview process, not an open-door registration policy. We constantly expand our extensive network of shortlisted QTS teachers. 

At Sereniteach we embrace a truly consultative approach, ensuring that you are getting the right recommendations and staff for your school.

With over 2 decades of experience, Sereniteach staff have extensive industry network connections and links to some of the best candidates in London. This means you are able to access fully qualified teachers, fast.

So whether you are seeking a senior member of staff to compliment your SLT, or a teacher of Chemistry to support your Science Department, Sereniteach provides you with real choices.


Among newly-qualified teachers, 12.8 per cent are now leaving a year after qualifying, compared to 12.5 per cent the year before. The percentage leaving after two years grew from 17.3 to 19.9 per cent. Vacancies for both full and part-time roles doubled in the two years to November 2022, the DfE data shows



As Universities feel increased pressure to improve student intakes, the competition to secure the right hires that will engage and attract students, has never been more stark. 
Our clients are experiencing a decrease of student intake domestically and  a steady increase from overseas.

At Sereniteach our multilingual consultants offer over two decades worth of a carefully selected global network of academics who elevate the student experience and inspire ambition and curiosity.

Sereniteach are well positioned to be your exclusive partner. Supporting  you
to ensure you secure the high level staff you deserve.

The first release of HESA student data for the 2021/22 academic year shows a 24% rise in the number of students from non-EU countries and a 21% fall in numbers from EU countries.

Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2021/22

  • In 2021-22 there were 679,970 international students studying in the UK. 120,140 of these were from the EU and 559,825 were non-EU.
  • In the year ending June 2023, there were 498,626 sponsored study visas and 98,398 Graduate route visas granted.

Universities UK


A well-functioning, modern Education Ministry is intrinsically linked to global economic development.

To compete on a global scale you need to secure the best experienced innovators that will be part of raising the overall standard and ensuring curriculum and processes support progress and reflect todays world.

Sereniteachs’  global reach to experienced talent, together with our experience of cross border recruitment, facilitates  long- term collaborative relationships with you to support your ministry achieve their goals and vision.

The global disruption to education caused by the COVD-19 pandemic is without parallel and the effects on learning are severe. The crisis brought education systems across the world to a halt, with school closures affecting more than 1.6 billion learners.

The State of Education Crisis; a path to recovery
World Bank


The best way to understand what lies ahead for global education and where we have opportunities to grow through technology is to first look back at where we’ve been.


Education’s Global Shift: How Data-Driven Technology Is Helping Schools Define The Future Forbes

Private Institutes

Private institutes have the unique opportunity to be innovative and creative when designing education options for their learners.

Whether it is making full use of technology offering courses that combine vocation and academia, you have the potential to thrive.

Sereniteachs job is to help you pursue your own unique vision by presenting you with candidates’ who have a proven track record in delivering high standards, we aspire to be your essential partner in elevating your brand and providing you with the best talent.

OK, here's the last interesting fact: By getting in touch with Sereniteach , you will broaden your talent pool and will not miss out on securing the best options for strategic hires"

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